Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mexico Project Trip- Amor Ministries

I cannot believe it is already time. In hours that number less than a full day I will be boarding a plan with a fellow intern and our Project leader to Cancun Mexico to begin our first project. There we will be working on a Retreat and Training facility for an Education complex as we partner with Amor Ministries.  You can find more information under the "Proyecto Numero 1" tab then by following the link.  Things to be in prayer for:

- Safe travels for the volunteers heading down from the states.

- Understanding and quick response to the design needs of the ministry.

- Humble attitudes and expectations for the unseen.

- That God may give us opportunities to show His love through the way the team interacts together, and the we way we respond to others.

As the hours tick closer to our departure it seemingly feels surreal as the past two months have been filled with travel, airplanes, new people, new opportunities, a new culture, a new language, a new family. Its amazing to know that this is the work that has been set before me and it is my privilege to share the stories and works that God is doing in my life and the lives around me!

This time in Costa Rica has been a step of faith and obediance. Its been a time to see God's creation in it's full; from His people to His mountains, from His rivers to His vastness. This morning walking to work I had my iPod in and the song "You Are" by Tenth Avenue North came on and had been playing through my head all day. The lyrics go like this:

Lord of empty space
You breathe and then create
Before the earth was made
You are
The King of every age
Outside of time and space
The heavens speak Your name
You are
You are

Lord of brilliant light
You separate the night
And everything inside
You are
The One who calms the seas
And every part of me
With just a word You speak
You are
You are.

I give You all of me for all You are
Here I am
Take me apart
Take me apart
I give You all of me for all You are
Here I am
Take me apart
Take me apart

Angels bowing down
Beneath the rushing sound
A voice that thunders out
You are
The one who holds the stars
And the beating of my heart
Exalted above all
You are
You are

All I am I want to lay down at Your feet

May this be my prayer and a glimpse of the vastness and splendor of Our God!

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