Thursday, February 24, 2011

Do. Work.

Well the project trip to Mexico is over. What a great time and an amazing learning experience.  We were able to complete most of the preliminary and conceptual design work. Now the real work begins. As myself and Andrew [the other intern I'm working with] settle into our workspace we now have the pleasure of working with the architects and engineers for the project now in the states.  We are responsible for coordinating and completing the design work.  This includes construction documents, final 3D models, site surveying, diagrams showing electrical and mechanical work for the building.  This work will last us until the end of July.  I admit, though tedious and demanding at times, I love what I am doing.
Hard at Work!

It was a great experience this past week. All 10 volunteers from the states did a fantastic job at figuring out the solutions to many difficult design issues.  It was amazing to watch everyone interact and see the building fall into place.  What is more amazing is seeing the ministry we partner with active within the design and their grateful hearts for the work we were doing.
Dinner in Playa del Carmen for a debrief.

At the end of the week once we had completed our work and presented the schematic designs to the ministry I had the opportunity to talk with Gayla Congdon [the founder of Amor ministries].  It was evident that the work we had been doing was more than just a building.  Starting Amor ministries in 1980, Gayla had a vision. A vision to eradicate spiritual and physical poverty. To see this vision grow exponentially with the design of a new language and theology school with retreat and technology center was beyond her dreams.  Upon completing our conversation and hearing the thankfulness and gratitude exuding from her heart, she walked away with a tremble. And behind her dark sunglasses it was evident that the holy spirit was moving as a tear or two was shed, as a vision, that was simply a dream, was followed by obedience, was beginning to become real, becoming tangible.

It is moments like that, that I can hear God's voice.  It is moments like that, that I stand in reverence and awe at God's sovereignty, that I can experience God's story unfold in such a miraculous way.  Every day here in Costa Rica, I am constantly challenged, whether through the language, the relationships, the work, our daily prayer times to open the day, I am daily reminded why I am here and that God has me exactly where he wants me.

I won't lie, upon my return from Mexico I began to realize that I have been traveling for over two months, with the longest time in Costa Rica, only 3 weeks.  The reality that I will be here for 5 more months seems to be finding its way through. It's difficult not to miss the comforts in the states. As things become more familiar and the daily routine begins to seem quite regular, know that I am still in prayer for all of you back home. God is working here. He is doing things I can't imagine. With the design of this educational facility many many lives will be reached and changed.  I am encouraged daily through the 'pokes' on facebook, or a simple little note here and there; know those make a huge difference in my life.--

I apologize for the lengthiness of this blog but I feel that God's story should never be cut short. However, I will leave you with a passage that has been on my heart the past week or so:

Worship and devotions.

The LORD is compassionate and gracious, 
   slow to anger, abounding in love.

For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
   so great is his love for those who fear him;
as far as the east is from the west,
   so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Praise the LORD, my soul.

Psalm 103: 8, 11-12, 22

Lastly, as time ticks by here in Costa Rica, so do finances.  Though here in Costa Rica, I am still in need a large sum of financial support.  With a goal of $9,000 to be met I am slightly over $5,000.  The work for this ministry, though God's work, also takes God's resources.  If you would love to help support me, or continue supporting the work God is doing through my time here in Costa Rica, as myself and eMI help the vision of Amor Ministries to eradicate spiritual and physical poverty become more tangible visit in the 'designation' box enter Grant Larsen-2851.

I pray that you continue to be inspired through this blog as I attempt to capture glimpses of God's amazing story of redemption and restoration.

In Christ's Love,

P. Grant Larsen

email me!!


a Snapshot.

"EMI partnered with Amor Ministries to begin the planning of a Christian university in Puerto Morelos, Mexico. Amor’s vision for the campus began from their foundational ministry goal: to eradicate spiritual and physical poverty. The physical campus will include a theological school for pastors, a language school, a leadership retreat center, and a technology center. EMI staffed worked alongside Amor to develop a program, campus master plan, and a first-phase building concept. Throughout the week, volunteers and staff spent time visiting local places and interacting with local professionals to understand design possibilities and navigate through potential problems. At the end of the week, the project team presented a schematic building design and masterplan to guide future construction."

Friday, February 18, 2011

La Cienega: "Living Water"

What an amazing journey this past week has been. Here are a few shots from the work that we completed for Amor Ministries as tey prepare to launch a great endeavor of growing a Christian University in Puerto Morelos, Mexico where Pastors, Professionals, families, and students from around the world who can come and learn language, theology, or experience new technologies at a Christian setting.

We did the master plan for the future phases. However, at this time we just did the design for Phase 1 located in the middle on the north side of the lot.

East Aerial
West Aerial
North Aerial
South Aerial

Friday, February 11, 2011

the Project Scope

Nearly 30 years ago, Gayla Cooper felt reluctant to spend even one day ministering to children in a Tijuana orphanage. However, after meeting a group of children from the orphanage Gayla's heart was touched so deeply she packed her bags and moved to Mexico to work in the orphanage full time.

Meanwhile, Scott Congdon traveled to the same orphanage with a community service group from his college. The children had a profound impact on Scott. Scott and Gayla soon discovered they shared a dream: to minister to the poor in Mexico.

In March of 1980, Scott and Gayla together founded Amor Ministries. The following year, four ministry teams traveled to Mexico with Amor. Today, over 600 groups take part each year in short-term mission trips with Amor Ministries. Scott and Gayla, along with a full-time Amor team, carry out their commitment and passion for helping the poorest of the poor.

Amor Ministries desires not only to send people into the the mission field but to equip them with the necessary tools to do so. To do so they are embarking on design of the Cancun University:

A theology school will equip the next generation of Latin American pastors for ministry in an international setting. A language school will provide Spanish language instruction to English-speakers through meaningful cross-cultural interactions. Classes, taught by native speakers, will be combined with service outreach in the surrounding communities. English will also be taught to Spanish speakers in the local community to help serve the poor on multiple levels. It will enable the local residents to work in the tourism industry and also on the University campus. It will allow the volunteers to serve in many Spanish-speaking locations around the world and in their own communities. A retreat center will be a place where international students can intentionally pursue God's call for their lives through seminars, small groups, and self-reflection with service opportunities and outward action. An appropriate technology center will be a place where the general public can come to learn about simple and readily available tools to combat poverty.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mexico Project Trip- Amor Ministries

I cannot believe it is already time. In hours that number less than a full day I will be boarding a plan with a fellow intern and our Project leader to Cancun Mexico to begin our first project. There we will be working on a Retreat and Training facility for an Education complex as we partner with Amor Ministries.  You can find more information under the "Proyecto Numero 1" tab then by following the link.  Things to be in prayer for:

- Safe travels for the volunteers heading down from the states.

- Understanding and quick response to the design needs of the ministry.

- Humble attitudes and expectations for the unseen.

- That God may give us opportunities to show His love through the way the team interacts together, and the we way we respond to others.

As the hours tick closer to our departure it seemingly feels surreal as the past two months have been filled with travel, airplanes, new people, new opportunities, a new culture, a new language, a new family. Its amazing to know that this is the work that has been set before me and it is my privilege to share the stories and works that God is doing in my life and the lives around me!

This time in Costa Rica has been a step of faith and obediance. Its been a time to see God's creation in it's full; from His people to His mountains, from His rivers to His vastness. This morning walking to work I had my iPod in and the song "You Are" by Tenth Avenue North came on and had been playing through my head all day. The lyrics go like this:

Lord of empty space
You breathe and then create
Before the earth was made
You are
The King of every age
Outside of time and space
The heavens speak Your name
You are
You are

Lord of brilliant light
You separate the night
And everything inside
You are
The One who calms the seas
And every part of me
With just a word You speak
You are
You are.

I give You all of me for all You are
Here I am
Take me apart
Take me apart
I give You all of me for all You are
Here I am
Take me apart
Take me apart

Angels bowing down
Beneath the rushing sound
A voice that thunders out
You are
The one who holds the stars
And the beating of my heart
Exalted above all
You are
You are

All I am I want to lay down at Your feet

May this be my prayer and a glimpse of the vastness and splendor of Our God!

A Sample of Costa Rica




**Check out more photos under the photos tab above**

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Piece of God´s Creation

Aren´t weekends meant for rest and relaxation? This past weekend was FAR from restful and relaxing. It was an adventure of a lifetime. Fully of ziplining through the forest, to zurfing at the beach, church, and visiting the largest active volcanoe in Costa Rica, I´d say God´s creation is beyond words.

 But being here only three weeks with a new culture, new ´tico´family, a week of cultural orientation, and finishing up the second week of language tutoring, everything finally is beginnig to feel normal. Each day, interacting with the locals, trying a new restaurant, a new dish, and learning to becaome a part of the Costa Rican has been a humbling and growing experience.  As daily living with a ´tico´ family and as my spanish improves, I am able to communicate on a deeper level with the people of Costa Rica. As the culture shock is wearing off and God begins to show glimpses of His diverse glory and creation I continue to stand amazed.

As I begin to learn and adapt to the Latino culture, God continues to break down and humble habits, predjudices, expections, and lifestyles that were once familiar to me. Though this new culture, language, and set of rules if far and vast fom my comprehension this is not far from what God does in people´s lives throughout history. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 19-23:

For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, that I might win the more. And to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the Law, as under the Law, though not being myself under the Law, that I might win those who are under the Law; to those who are without law, as without law, though not being without the law of God but under the law of Christ, that I might win those who are without law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, that I may by all means save some. And I do all things for the sake of the gospel, that I may become a fellow partaker of it.

May we become assimilated into the place that God has us and will lead us into. This idea of understanding, learning, and living the way the people do in order to make the gospel known. This isn´t far from the idea of ´Love your neighbor (or enemy) as youself.¨ As we see things done differently, as worldviews and cultural norms begin to clash, how do I respond? Am I responding in love and understanding, or in bitterness and malice?  And am I understanding the grace that God talks about in Ephesians 2: 8-10.  And might i understand God´s unlimited capacity, trusting His plan, that I am ¨God´s workmanship, created to do good works, in which GOD prepared in advance for (me).¨

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I can´t even describe to you all of the things that I have experienced this past week and a half since arriving in Costa Rica.

First off, I apologize for my lack of an update. Since arriving here in Costa Rica on Sunday January 23 around 10 pm it has been a constant go, go, go, go, go. Last week we had a week of culture training, covering important do´s and dont´s about the Costa Rican culture.  We also did a few things around the eMi office to set up computers and such.  The week also consisted of opening the day up digging through God´s work. We worked our way through the book of Romans, looking at everything that Paul had to say in his loooong letter.

Last Monday I met my Costa Rican (Tico) family that I will be living with for the next 6 months. What an amazing blessing this family is. My Tico parents Edgar and Ana and my three younger tico siblings Esteban (11), Andres (10), and Anamaria ( just turned 6 yesterday, Feb 1)`- I will try to post a picture soon!  God has blessed me so much with this family! their love for the Lord is evident. Their hearts are overflowing with love, hospitality, and many sacrifices. I will admit, it is a little weird to wake up every morning to a hot plate of eggs and gallo pinto (a typcial Costa Rican dish of rice and beans), having my clothes washed almost everyother day, and three amazing meals a day!

This past Saturday I went with Ana and Edgar to the neighboring town of Alajuera where the 3 kids had been since Wednesday at Vaction Bible School. There we helped out serve the kids snacks and sang some songs with them. It wa a great time to serve and see some amazing smiles on the over 150 kids that were at VBS.

This past Monday myself, and the other interns started Language school at a local school here in Atenas. There split up into classes by level we have been working on grammar, pronunciation, and conversation skills.  It has been rigorous and exhasuting. Going to class from 8-12 each day and having a bunch of homework to do.  I have another week and a half of language classes then on my way to Mexico for a week where I will be working on my first project.- Check for updates under the ´Proyecto numero1´tab for more details.

Keep checking back for more updates! As my schedule becomes more consistent it will be easier to update and post.

With many blessings and in Christ´s Love.